
Drops zijn items die verschijnen als mobs en een aantal andere entities sterven. Er zijn 3 basistypen van drops: normale drops, zeldzame drops, en ervarings Orbs. Alleen de mormale drops verschijne als een mob niet bij de speler is gedood
Common en uncommon drops[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Common drops kunnen optreden wanneer een mob sterft, en verschijnen op de plaats van de mob op het moment dat hij gedood is. De meeste mobs hebben bijzondere items die een drop-chance hebben wanneer gedood. Er zijn ook uncommon drops, zoals spinnenogen, die niet altijd plaatsvinden, maar hebben een grote kans daarop (afhankelijk van het item). Enkele uncommon en common droppen helemaal niet als de mob niet was "gedood door de speler", maar bijvoorbeeld door lava (dezelfde regels gelden voor XP-orbs).
Voor elk van deze items, is er een willekeurige kans of dat item dropt; een koe, bijvoorbeeld,dropt 0-2 leer en 1-3 raw beef. dit betekent dat het mogelijk is dat er geen leer tussen de drops zit. Als de mob gedood wordt met een wapen met de plundering betovering, dan wordt de maximum van het bereik verhoogd (de verhoging is afhankelijk van het level).
Rare drops[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Rare drops occur in addition to the common drops. Unlike most common drops, they only occur if the monster is killed by a player. All rare drops except skulls can also be obtained by other means. Rare drops are always a single item, not multiples.
Rare drops have a 2.5% chance of occurring when a monster dies. Using a weapon with the Looting enchantment increases the chance by 0.5% per level (up to 4% with Looting III).
Each monster has a separate list of possibilities for enchanted rare drops and non-enchanted rare drops. Within each list, all items are equally likely.
Additionally to rare drops, a monster can drop equipment and armor that it's visibly wearing. Each piece of equipment that monster was spawned with is dropped with 8.5% chance. Looting increases this change by 1% per level (up to 11.5% with Looting III). This means it is possible for a zombie or skeleton to drop more than one piece of equipment upon death. All items that mob picked up after spawning are always dropped, even when the monster wasn't killed by a player.
When items are enchanted, the enchantment is chosen in the same way as using an Enchantment Table with a cost of 5–15 levels on normal difficulty, and 5–35 on hard. On easy difficulty, equipment is never enchanted. It is possible to get multiple enchantments.
Experience Orbs[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
- Hoofdartikel: Experience Orb
Experience Orbs droppen alleen als een mob in minder dan 3 seconden na een hit sterft (melee, boog, sneeuw, eieren, wolven). De totale waarde verkregen bij de kill is altijd een specifieke hoeveelheid. Ze droppen ook van een gebruikte Fles der Magiërs. Verzamelde XP wordt omgezet in levels, die gebruikt kunnen worden voor betovering.
Experience Orbs lijken op items maar zijn niet hetzelfde. anders dan andere, ontstaan Experience Orbs bij de locatie van het lijk van de mob op het moment dat het verdwijnt. Experience Orbs bewegen naar dichtbijzijnde spelers.
Mob drops[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Mob | Exp | Common drops | Rare drops | Equipped and worn items | Notes |
Animals | |||||
Bat |
0 | None | None | None | |
Chicken |
1–3 | 0–2 Feather 1 Raw Chicken or 1 Cooked Chicken |
None | None | Meat is cooked if died while on fire. Meat unaffected by looting. Also drops Egg every 5–10 minutes. |
Cow |
1–3 | 0–2 Leather 1–3 Raw Beef or 1–3 Steak |
None | None | Meat is cooked if died while on fire. Gives Milk when right-clicked with an empty bucket. |
Donkey Mule |
1–3 | 0–2 Leather |
None | 1 Saddle if saddled 1 Chest if equipped |
Also drops all of the chest's contents. |
Horse |
1–3 | 0–2 Leather |
None | 1 Saddle if saddled 1 Horse Armor if equipped |
Mooshroom |
1–3 | 0–2 Leather 1–3 Raw Beef or 1–3 Steak |
None | None | Meat is cooked if died while on fire. Shearing drops 5 Red Mushroom, converting it to a normal cow, a process which cannot be reverted. Gives Milk when right-clicked with an empty bucket. Gives Mushroom Stew when right-clicked with an empty bowl. |
Ocelot |
1–3 | None | None | None | |
Pig |
1–3 | 1–3 Raw Porkchop or 1–3 Cooked Porkchop |
None | 1 Saddle if saddled |
Meat is cooked if died while on fire. |
Sheep |
1–3 | 1 Wool if not sheared |
None | None | Not affected by Looting. Shearing drops 1-3 Wool. Wool is colored if the sheep was spawned colored or dyed. |
Skeleton Horse |
1–3 | 0–2 Bone |
None | None | |
Squid |
1–3 | 1–3 Ink Sac |
None | None | |
Wolf |
1–3 | None | None | None | |
Zombie Horse |
1–3 | 0–2 Rotten Flesh |
None | None | Rotten Flesh is an uncommon drop. |
Golems | |||||
Iron Golem |
0 | 0–2 Rose 3–5 Iron Ingot |
None | None | Not affected by Looting. |
Snow Golem |
0 | 0–15 Snowball or 1 Pumpkin + 8 Snowball if spawned with at least 8 in the world. |
None | None | Not affected by Looting. Pumpkin and 8 Snowballs due to 8 existing snow golems is only in Xbox 360 Edition. |
Monsters | |||||
Blaze |
10 | 0–1 Blaze Rod if killed by a player or tamed dog 0–2 Glowstone Dust if killed by a player |
None | None | Glowstone Dust can only be dropped by Blazes in the Xbox 360 Edition. |
Cave Spider |
5 | 0–2 String 0–1 Spider Eye if killed by a player or tamed dog |
None | None | Eye is an uncommon drop (33% chance). Looting doesn't affect number of eyes dropped, but increases probability of a drop. |
Creeper |
5 | 0–2 Gunpowder 1 Music Disc if killed by a skeleton |
None | None | |
Ender Dragon |
12,000 | None | None | None | Experience is dropped in 10 drops of 1000 experience and one drop of 2000 experience. Creates a portal including removable blocks: 4 Torch 1 Dragon Egg |
Enderman |
5 | 0–1 Ender Pearl |
None | None | |
Ghast |
5 | 0–1 Ghast Tear 0–2 Gunpowder |
None | None | |
Magma Cube |
1, 2, or 4 | 0–1 Magma Cream if size > 1 |
None | None | Uncommon drop (25% chance). |
Silverfish |
5 | None | None | None | |
Skeleton |
5 | 0–2 Arrow 0–2 Bone |
None | Bow Random Armor |
Gear may be enchanted. |
Slime |
1, 2, or 4 | 0–2 Slimeball if size = 1 |
None | None | |
Spider |
5 | 0–2 String 0–1 Spider Eye if killed by a player or tamed dog |
None | None | Eye is an uncommon drop (33% chance) Looting doesn't affect number of eyes dropped, but increases probability of a drop. |
Witch |
5 | 0–6 Glass Bottle 0–6 Glowstone Dust 0–6 Gunpowder 0–6 Redstone 0–6 Spider Eye 0–6 Stick 0–6 Sugar |
None | Potion of Healing Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of Swiftness |
On death, witches drop 1–3 item types, each 0–2 times. The same type can be chosen multiple times, therefore it is possible to get 6 of a one item. |
Wither |
50 | 1 Nether Star |
None | None | Not affected by looting. |
Wither Skeleton |
5 | 0–1 Coal 0–2 Bone |
Wither Skeleton Skull |
Stone Sword |
Coal is an uncommon drop (33% chance). |
Zombie |
5 | 0–2 Rotten Flesh |
Iron Ingot Carrot Potato |
Iron Shovel Iron Sword Random Armor |
Gear may be enchanted. |
Zombie Pigman |
5 | 0–1 Rotten Flesh 0–1 Gold Nugget |
Gold Ingot |
Golden Sword |
Gear may be enchanted. |
NPCs | |||||
Villager |
0 | None | None | None |
Entity drops[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Entity | Drops | Notes |
Projectiles | ||
Bottle o' Enchanting |
3–11 Experience |
Egg |
0–4 Baby Chicken spawned |
Eggs have a 1⁄8 chance of spawning one baby chicken. If that happens, there is an additional 1⁄32 chance of the egg spawning four baby chickens instead of one. |
Stationary | ||
Ender Crystal |
None | Creates an explosion when destroyed, 50% more powerful than TNT. |
Item Frame |
1 Item Frame |
Drops itself and the item it contains. |
Painting |
1 Painting |
Vehicles | ||
Boat |
2 Stick if crashed 3 Wood Planks if crashed 1 Boat if broken by other means |
Minecart |
1 Minecart |
Minecart with Chest |
1 Minecart 1 Chest |
Also drops all of the chest's contents. |
Minecart with Command Block |
1 Minecart |
Minecart with Furnace |
1 Minecart 1 Furnace |
Minecart with Hopper |
1 Minecart 1 Hopper |
Also drops all of its contents. |
Minecart with Spawner |
1 Minecart |
Minecart with TNT |
1 Minecart 1 TNT |
Drops nothing when activated or destroyed by an explosion. |
Block drops[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Most blocks drop themselves when broken. All special drops from blocks are listed below. "Silk Touch" column indicates, if the block can be collected using the Silk Touch enchantment.
Block | Exp | Drops | Silk Touch |
Notes |
Materials and building blocks | ||||
Bookshelf |
— | 3 Book |
Ja | |
Clay |
— | 4 Clay |
Ja | |
Double Slab T |
— | 2 Slab |
Nee | |
Farmland |
— | 1 Dirt |
Nee | |
Glass |
— | None | Ja | |
Glass Pane |
— | None | Ja | |
Glowstone |
— | 2–4 Glowstone Dust |
Ja | Fortune increases drop, capped at 4. |
Grass Block Mycelium Podzol |
— | 1 Dirt |
Ja | |
Gravel |
— | 1 Gravel or 1 Flint |
Ja | Flint is dropped with 10% chance. Fortune enchantment increases this chance to 14% at Fortune I, 25% at Fortune II, and 100% at Fortune III. |
Ice |
— | None | Ja | If there is another (solid or liquid) block directly underneath the ice block, ice will revert back to water when broken. This doesn't work in the Nether. |
Packed Ice |
— | None | Ja | |
Snow Block T |
— | 4 Snowball |
Ja | |
Snow (cover) T |
— | 1–8 Snowball |
Nee | One snowball per snow level. |
Stone T |
— | 1 Cobblestone |
Ja | |
Ores | ||||
Coal Ore T |
0–2 | 1 Coal |
Ja | Fortune multiplies drop. |
Diamond Ore T |
3–7 | 1 Diamond |
Ja | Fortune multiplies drop. |
Emerald Ore T |
3–7 | 1 Emerald |
Ja | Fortune multiplies drop. |
Lapis Lazuli Ore T |
2–5 | 4–8 Lapis Lazuli |
Ja | Fortune multiplies drop. |
Nether Quartz Ore T |
2–5 | 1 Nether Quartz |
Ja | Fortune multiplies drop. |
Redstone Ore T |
1–5 | 4–5 Redstone |
Ja | Fortune increases drop. |
Plants | ||||
Carrots |
— | 1 Carrot if premature 1–4 Carrot if fully grown |
Nee | Fortune increases drop, if fully grown. |
Cocoa |
— | 1 Cocoa Beans if premature 3 Cocoa Beans if fully grown |
Nee | |
Dead Bush |
— | 0-2 sticks | Nee | An original block is dropped when broken using shears. |
Fern Tall Grass |
— | 0–1 Seeds |
Nee | An original block is dropped instead when broken using shears. Seeds are dropped with 12.5% chance. Fortune increases drop by 2 per level. |
Huge Mushroom |
— | 0–2 Mushroom |
Gedeeltelijk | There is 80% chance that no mushroom will be dropped, and 10% for both one and two mushrooms. On average that gives 0.3 mushrooms per block. Silk Touch only drops one type of huge mushroom block, the one with all spores. |
Leaves |
— | 0–1 Sapling 0–1 Apple from oak leaves |
Ja | An original block is dropped instead when broken using shears. Jungle sapling is dropped with 2.5% chance; all other saplings are dropped with 5% chance. An apple is dropped with 0.5% chance. Fortune increases all drop chances. |
Melon |
— | 3–7 Melon |
Ja | Fortune increases drop, capped at 9. |
Melon Stem |
— | 0–3 Melon Seeds |
Nee | Every one of three possible seeds is dropped with a chance dependent on growth stage, ranging from 7% (just planted) to 53% (fully grown). |
Nether Wart |
— | 1 Nether Wart if premature 2–4 Nether Wart if fully grown |
Nee | Fortune increases drop, if fully grown. |
Potatoes |
— | 1 Potato if premature 1–4 Potato if fully grown 0–1 Poisonous Potato if fully grown |
Nee | Fortune increases potato drop, if fully grown. Poisonous potato is dropped with 2% chance. |
Pumpkin Stem |
— | 0–3 Pumpkin Seeds |
Nee | Every one of three possible seeds is dropped with a chance dependent on growth stage, ranging from 7% (just planted) to 53% (fully grown). |
Wheat |
— | 1 Seeds if premature 0–3 Seeds if fully grown 1 Wheat if fully grown |
Nee | Fortune increases seeds drop, if fully grown. |
Other | ||||
Cake |
— | None | Nee | |
Cobweb T |
— | 1 String |
Ja | |
Ender Chest T |
— | 8 Obsidian |
Ja | Will not drop its contents when broken. |
Fire |
— | None | Nee | |
Monster Egg |
— | 1 Silverfish spawned |
Gedeeltelijk | When Monster Egg is destroyed by a tool with Silk Touch enchantment, it drops the type of block that the Monster Egg is disguised as (i.e. Stone, Cobblestone, or Stone Brick). This doesn't stop Silverfish from spawning. |
Monster Spawner T |
15–43 | None | Nee |
- Blocks marked with "T" need to be broken with a specific tool to drop anything (including experience). The Silk Touch enchantment doesn't remove this requirement.
- Where noted, Fortune can increase the number of dropped items or multiply it. Increase simply gives 0-lvl extra items. Multiplication happen with the following chances:
- Fortune I: 33% * 2 (33% more on average)
- Fortune II: 25% * 2, 25% * 3 (75% more on average)
- Fortune III: 20% * 2, 20% * 3, 20% * 4 (120% more on average)
- Container blocks (brewing stand, chest, dispenser, dropper, flower pot, furnace, hopper, and jukebox) drop themselves when broken along with their content.
- All blocks not listed in the table above drop themselves when broken. Fortune doesn't affect their drop.
History[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
Classic | ||||
0.25 | Pigs drop mushrooms. | |||
Killing skeletons made arrows drop. | ||||
0.27 | Sheep added which drop white cloth and mushrooms. | |||
Indev | ||||
February 19, 2010 | Sheep drop nothing. | |||
Pigs drop porkchop. | ||||
Creepers drop gunpowder. | ||||
Spiders drop string. | ||||
Zombies drop feathers. | ||||
Alpha | ||||
1.1.0 | Sheep now drop between 1-3 cloth instead of always dropping 2. | |||
Beta | ||||
1.2 | Bones drop from skeletons. | |||
New gray, light gray, and black sheep. Drop correspondingly colored wool. | ||||
Squid added, which drops the new item ink sac. | ||||
1.5 | Pigs that die by burning now drop cooked porkchops upon death. | |||
1.7 | Sheep no longer drop wool from being punched. Sheep now have to be sheared with shears or killed to obtain wool. | |||
1.8 | Zombies drop Rotten Flesh instead of Feathers. | |||
Mobs killed by players drop tiny flashing Experience Orbs that add to your experience bar. | ||||
Added Ender pearls along with Endermen. Ender pearls had no use at the time. | ||||
1.9pre1 | Blaze rods were added as a drop from Blazes. | |||
Ghast tears were added which drop from Ghasts. | ||||
Gold nuggets were added as a drop from Zombie Pigmen. | ||||
Snow golems added, which drop snowballs. | ||||
1.9pre2 | Spiders now drop spider eyes. | |||
Added teleporting feature to Ender pearls. | ||||
1.9pre4 | Looting, Fortune, and Silk Touch enchantments added, increasing the amount dropped when killing mobs, breaking blocks, or dropping the block itself, respectively. | |||
Officiële release | ||||
1.1 | 11w50a | All music discs except for 11 can be obtained if a skeleton kills a creeper. Before that, it was just 13 and cat. | ||
1.1 | Magma Cubes can now drop Magma Cream on death. | |||
1.2.1 | 12w06a | Zombies have a rare chance to drop an iron ingot, iron helmet, iron shovel, or iron sword. | ||
Skeletons have a rare chance to drop a bow or an enchanted bow. | ||||
Zombie Pigmen have a rare chance to drop a golden helmet, gold ingot, golden sword, or an enchanted golden sword. | ||||
12w08a | Iron Golems were added, which dropped iron ingots and roses. | |||
1.3.1 | 12w25a | Pigs now drop 1-3 porkchops instead of 0-2. | ||
1.4.2 | 12w32a | New command - /gamerule doMobLoot (true/false) toggles whether or not mobs drop loot. | ||
Zombies, skeletons, and zombie pigmen can sometimes wear armor, which has a rare chance of being dropped. | ||||
12w34a | Zombies have a chance to drop carrots and potatoes. | |||
12w36a | Wither drops a Nether Star on death. | |||
Wither Skeleton added. Drops bones, coal and rarely stone swords and Wither Skeleton Skulls when killed by players. | ||||
Saddled pigs will now always drop saddles on death. | ||||
12w38a | Witch added. Rarely drops potions of instant health and fire resistance. | |||
12w38b | Witch can now drop potion ingredients, sticks and have a chance of dropping what they're holding at the time of death. | |||
1.4.3pre | The Disc "11" is now dropped by Creepers in the same way as the other Discs. |
Trivia[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
- Dropped weapons, tools, and armor from mobs will have at least 25 durability remaining, which is also the most common. Less-damaged items are increasingly rare. Except for gold swords and tools, items will always have at least 26 points of damage taken.
- Due to Zombies and Skeletons rarely spawning with random armor, and having a 5% chance of dropping one article of said worn armor on death, it is finally possible to legitimately acquire chainmail armor without trading with villagers.
- While skeletons will drop bows of differing enchantments, the most common seems to be "Power I."
See also[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
References[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]
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Spelmodussen | |||||||
Mechanismen |