Enderkisten zijn blokken waar je voorwerpen in kan bewaren. Enderkisten werken hetzelfde als normale kisten, behalve dan dat de inhoud verdeeld word over alle andere Enderkisten, zelfs wanneer deze zich in andere dimensies bevinden.
Wanneer een Enderkist wordt gebroken krijg je de inhoud hiervan niet terug. De inhoud van de Enderkist blijft echter bestaan, zelfs wanneer alle Enderkisten worden vernietigd. Je kan de items terug krijgen door een nieuwe Enderkist te maken. Enderkisten hebben de helft van de explosieweerstand van Obsidiaan, wat ze nog steeds immuun maakt tegen explosies. Ze geven ook licht en een deeltjes-effect af, dat gelijk is aan dat van een Enderman en een Nether Portaal. In SMP hebben Enderkisten elk een aparte inventaris voor elke speler. Zodra een Enderkist gebroken word, krijg je 8 Obsidiaan terug (tenzij je een Houweel gebruikt met de betovering Zijden streling), wat betekend dat je alweer een Enderoog nodig hebt om een Enderkist te maken.
Van Enderkisten kun je geen dubbele kist maken en dus kun je deze normaal naast elkaar zetten.[1]
Ingredients | Input » Output |
Obsidiaan |
- Since items are persistent even when all Ender Chests are broken, the player can use them to recover items from anywhere safely, even if they destroy the chest.
- Ender Chests can be very useful in Survival or Hardcore if the player is able to obtain the resources required to make one. At the cost of one inventory slot for the chest, the player gains another 27 extra slots, for a net gain of 26, adding up to a total inventory space of 62 different stacks you can carry.
- Alternatively, they can be used for bulk supplies. This allows you to have your stockpiles of rare items (diamond and emerald blocks, Blaze Rods and other brewing supplies, etc.) available at every major base. Not to mention stacks of iron and gold blocks, and other sundries. Note that a stack each of flint and feathers costs 2 slots, but with just 8 logs, they will make 4 stacks of arrows. Similarly, including eggs, saplings, various seeds, and even building supplies, will make it much easier to start up new bases.
- They can be placed at each station of a railway — toss in a minecart, and you'll always have a minecart handy. (Optionally, Powered and Storage minecarts as well.)
- If placed in a new cave or mine, they can safely stash ores or valuables as those are acquired.
- Broken Ender Chests drop 8 obsidian, losing the Eye of Ender. There are 3 methods to continue using chests.
- Bring a Silk Touch pickaxe when mining (or stash one in the chest), and break the chest with it. This will drop the broken ender chest as an item.
- If you bring multiple Ender Chests, you can place and break each of them, and if you bring 8 or fewer, inventory space is not wasted, as one inventory slot will be 64 or fewer obsidian.
- Place some Eyes of Ender and a crafting table in the Ender Chest. This will allow you to easily retrieve those items before breaking it and crafting another Ender Chest.
- Similar to obsidian and chests, Ender Chests cannot be moved by pistons.
- Ender chests work between dimensions. This can be useful for carrying large inventories or valuables to or from the Nether or the End.
- In SMP Ender Chests can be used as banks or "safe deposit boxes". Placed in towns and bases, they'll allow players to get at their stuff without risk of theft, "mugging", or griefing.
- An empty Ender Chest can be a useful last resort if you get hopelessly trapped or lost while exploring. Place the chest, load your inventory into it, then kill yourself. Assuming you have another Chest at home, this method will let you salvage most or all of your stuff.
Officiële release | ||||
1.3.1 | 12w21a | The Ender Chest was added to the game and shared the same inventory for all players on a server; Jeb stated that this would be changed to a separate inventory for every player in snapshot 12w24a.[6] | ||
The Ender Chest was based off a suggestion thread on Reddit.[2][3] This idea was previously made into a mod by Ecu and ChickenBones.[4] | ||||
In response to some users' feelings on the functionality of Ender Chests, Jeb planned to test a feature he has yet to specify in relation to them.[5] | ||||
12w24a | Ender Chests now work per-player in multiplayer (holds an inventory per player instead of shared across the world). | |||
Ender Chests drop 8 obsidian when destroyed, except when mined with a pickaxe enchanted with Silk Touch. |
Problemen met betrekking tot 'Enderkist' worden bijgehouden op de bugtracker. Meld problemen daar.
- Despite being made out of obsidian, Ender Chests can be broken with any kind of pickaxe, just like an enchantment table.
- The Ender Dragon can destroy the Ender Chest, despite its building materials.
- Despite being made of Obsidian, actual Obsidian has twice the blast resistance.
- Ender Chests do not interact with Hoppers or Droppers, presumably because in multiplayer the hopper and dropper are impersonal machines and would be confused by the chest's player-specific inventories.
- An Ender Chest's particles exist only in a 1-block radius, so if the Chest is placed next to a wall its particles will not be seen on the other side.
- Unlike Chests, changes to an Ender Chest's name are not reflected in it's inventory GUI. This is probably because it will not be able to connect to other Ender Chests.
An Ender Chest ingame.
Light from an Ender Chest.
The original suggestion for the Ender Chest.
- ↑ https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/205651290439696384
- ↑ jebtweet:205307552941088768
- ↑ http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/ku8oc/another_use_for_ender_pearls_the_ender_chest/
- ↑ http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1160665-125mods-quiddity-modding/
- ↑ http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/u2rwt/suggestion_make_a_private_dimension_ender_chest/
- ↑ jebtweet:212939797868707844